The Infostruktur Webinar Program is being held on 1st September to 31st December 2020 as one of the many initiatives for UiTM's ICT Strategic Planning (2018-2021) under the ICT Roadshow Project. Throughout the years since 2018, several ICT programs such as ICT Conference (KICT), ICT Day (HICT) and many others has been successfully planned and executed, and there will be more promising and exciting initiatives to come until the year 2021.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak that lead to recommendations to not gather in large groups and keeping distance from fellow humans to limit the spread of the virus, the usage of ICT technology especially online communication is very much needed and appropriate to be in place for many events. Therefore, to ensure that the activities in the ICT Roadshow Project run as planned, Jabatan Infostruktur PPII is organizing this virtual event called webinar; definition to web seminar, with all UiTM’s staff and students as the target participants.
The Infostruktur Webinar 2020 Theme
Ubiquitous ICT Towards M-Learning (UiTM); having the inspiration from our own Universiti Teknologi MARA initialism; has been chosen as the theme for the year 2020 Infostruktur Webinar. In accordance to the involvement of ICT usage in nearly every aspect of our life nowadays, especially now that the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has taken place almost everywhere, our daily basis environment has been led to many new norms, let it be working, studying, shopping or even dining out. Ubiquitous ICT which carries the meaning of ICT is everywhere in supporting mobile learning, flexible in delivering knowledge and educational content on any platform, anyplace and at any time needed. It is hoped that this webinar can have an effective impact in term of ICT usage in UiTM to support the daily operational and management, also the continuity of learning process.
Webinar Objectives
Webinar Activities
Webinar e-Certificate